STRAWLINE Strawline, or haywire in the USA, has been a part of forestry and cable logging since the beginning. Yet we’re seeing frustration over strawline joins coming apart over and over again for our customers. Around 95% of the crews we visit have either their strawlines being produced incorrectly (by other suppliers) or their lines […]
COURIER BACKLOG This time we have an update on why you may be seeing extreme delays in courier shipping across New Zealand. After chasing up some of ours we began to learn of some surprising numbers. Have a look at this article from the Otago Daily Times to see the true impact on our courier […]
NZ Forestry, China and Coronavirus Afternoon everyone, Dale here again with an update on what is going on with our forestry industry and coronavirus in China, courtesy of NZFOA latest press release. Keep safe out there and let us know if there is anything TERRAIN can help you with on 0800 LOGGER or contact […]
WIRE ROPE IN FORESTRY: FINDING WHAT WORKS Gidday again everyone, Dale here @ TERRAIN. I hope everyone is enjoying the festive season and you’re all ready for Christmas just around the corner. Before we get into our latest topic on wire rope in forestry, make sure to catch our last post on our own story […]
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